Category: Encounters


    Vhils in Shanghai, via woostercollective

  • Spring 2012 pictures up

    Spring trip to Paris and Bordeaux is now up, I’ve uploaded to Pinterest this time, feel free to check them out.

  • Girl with a dragon tattoo DVD design

    DVDs are dying off slowly these days, with that said, it’s nice to see someone who cares about design for them still. Saw this today and I couldn’t help to say “wow that’s clever”.

  • Paris 2012

    I’m in France for two weeks, mostly Paris, with visits to other parts planed. Pictures to follow soon. This is taken at Sainte Chapelle today.

  • Oops

  • 回声乐团

    Your browser does not support the audio element. I was lucky to catch this band performing live in ZaJia on Saturday. The band’s name is called “Huisheng” or “echo” and amongst the drummers and guitarists, traditional and western instruments, something magical and exciting came out of this little crammed bar on saturday night.

  • Ah… Vics

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  • Atmosphere, Beijing

    Atmosphere bar is currently the tallest bar in Beijing. During the day though it serves as a nice enclave for tea and coffee. Properly named Atmosphere, you can look out to the massive city covered in thick smog. While you mope about the fact that you’re in a city that will shave about 10 years […]

  • Temple Restaurant Beijing

    Had a chance to check out this brilliant restaurant near the forbidden city. Restauranteur Ignace Lecleir took a risk in a temple that nobody in the neighborhood cares about, and turned it into a cool place to hang out at.

  • New York is Amazing